Friday, February 4, 2011

Sting Rumors and WrestleMania Possiblities

So the rumors are still circulating about Sting coming to the WWE. With the possible talks of him taking on the Undertaker. But what if the Undertaker is not healthy by WrestleMania? Here are some good matches that could take place:

Sting vs Shawn Michaels
With both probably being inducted in to the Hall of Fame that night, it would be a great idea of "one more match" I could actually see Sting losing this match, and it being a very clean match since both are born again Christians, that could really come into play with a PG storyline.

Sting vs Chris Jericho
Seeing that Jericho never really made it big time in WCW, they could play off the storyline that Jericho beat all the big stars, Michaels, The Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Hogan, Angle, Foley, Orton, Edge but he never beat Sting

These are just a couple of ideas, let me know what you think.

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