Host of BDuBs Thoughts takes the time to break down his thoughts on Professional Wrestling.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Michelle McCool Leaving the WWE?
According to sources, Michelle McCool is leaving the WWE. Therefore, tomorrow at Extreme Rules will be her final match. Personally I am not upset by this decision. She, Kelly Kelly, and Maryse all look the same. I like the fact that Layla will finally get a chance to shine on her own. She is well talented and does not need McCool to be there with her. Im not saying McCool isnt talented, but lets face it, LayCool was becoming very boring. I would not be surprised to see her come around the time of WrestleMania next year. Now while I do not agree with John Morrison dissing Trish Stratus, I do not blame him for getting mad that Melina was not in the match, or any match at WrestleMania. Here McCool had the privledge of being at WrestleMania, and a month later she is gone. Hmm, thats not fair.
WWE Dropping PG?
So during the shareholder's meeting, sources were quoted saying "We Must go back in order to Move Forward, while WWE may be PG right now, we will become more Adult Oriented." In my opinion, this would help give the ratings a boost. A lot of people complain that wrestling seems a little dry. I feel that if you let someone like Randy Orton be himself, then fans would attach themselves more to him. What led the ratings to a boost during the attitude era was because fans felt connected to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Everyone wanted the chance to beat up their boss. The days of gimmicks are over. This is not during a time in which the faces and heels are kept separated. With the internet all over everything, its impossible to even go back to that. But if they go back to take somethings from the attitude era, I personally believe that wrestling would attract a bigger audience. It would be "cool" to say I watch wrestling again.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Mia Yim Interview
Mia Yim is an up and coming wrestler on the independent scene. She is based out of Northern Virginia and she is also a full time student. I had the pleasure of seeing her wrestle Sara Del Rey on April 23 at RCW Supremacy. I was able to catch up with her to do an interview, check it out.
1. How long have you been wrestling
I have been wrestling for about a year in a half now.
2. Who have been some wrestlers that you idolized growing up?
Growing up, I have always been a Lita fan. Her badass attitude and different style stood out to me
3. Who is your wrestler favorite now?
Now, my favorite wrestlers are Kana and Low Ki
4. What was your favorite match that you have been in?
I have alot of favorite. I would say that my Shimmer match with me & Jamilia Craft v. Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa and my recent match at RCW with Sara Del Rey are the top on the list
5. Do you preferred to be cheered or booed?
Really depends if I'm feeling like a good girl or a bitch :)
6. Who is your dream opponent?
Hmmm dream opponent..I would love to wrestle my idol, Kana.
7 What has been your most memorable moment your career so far?
I have lots of memorable moments, most of them are with the friends I made in the business though. I will never ever forget the people I have met and the impact they have brought to my life.
8. Where would you like to see your career elevate to?
I would love to work for the WWE, but as of now, I am happy with where I am now. I also would love to go wrestle in Japan or Mexico one day.
9. Have you ever thought about being on tough enough?
I thought about it, and I put my education first. When I finish school and they do another Tough Enough competition, I would def try to get on it
10. How do you manage your professional career and personal life?
Great time management. I have to prioritize alot. I make sure wrestling is on the weekends. From Mon-Friday i concentrate on school work. I always have holidays and breaks from school to train as much as I can.
11. Anything in particular you want to say to your fans?
Thank you all for your support. Without you, there would be no me ^.^ Sarangheh
My Top 10 Favorite WWE Superstars Currently on the roster
These are my favorite wrestlers who are currently on the WWE Roster that we see almost every week. (The Rock, Undertaker, and Triple H do not count)
10. D.H. Smith I have always been a fan of his dad, The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. D H Smith reminds me so much of his dad and I truly believe that one day he will become a World Champion. He has a lot of skills and he displays great athleticism.
9. Cody Rhodes I did not like him as much as I liked Ted DiBiase Jr when he first started. However, after his new killer instinct and his match with Rey Mysterio changed my complete opinion on Rhodes. I can truly see him as a Main Event within five years.
8. Natalya Being a huge fan of the Hart family since I was young, I was excited as soon as I saw her perform, I immediately feel in love with her in ring ability. Watching her take the Sharpshooter, that uncle Bret and uncle Owen made famous and improvise it to fit her style was amazing. I cannot wait to see what else she has to offer. She has a very bright future.
7.Kofi Kingston When he first came into the WWE, I thought he was very sloppy. The fact that he has changed his residence from Jamacia to South Africa was very intersting to me, none the less, I always enjoy his matches. I think he has the ability to be in the main event soon, but he will need a great
6. John Morrison I always been a fan of Morrison since the days of MNM. I would love to see him as WWE Champion, but his latest antics with Trish Stratus has caused me to lose a lot of respect for him.
5. R-Truth Since he became a heel with a reckless attitude, Truth has grabbed my attention. I hope to see him make a strong move into the main event picture. He cut the best promo I have seen that was not done by a former WWE Champion in a long time.
4. Drew McIntyre He was deemed as the “chosen one” a little over a year ago. A lot of people feel that he is losing his momentum and that he is not marketable, however, I feel that he has the potential to become the top heel in the company. He has great in ring ability and the ability to make the crowd hate him. Its just a matter of time when he will display it.
3. Randy Orton While his character has gotten very stale to me, he is truly a viper. There is nothing like watching him deliver an RKO or even better a the punt to the head.
2. Christian Christian has always been one of my favorites since the days of Edge and Christian. They were a great tag team. When he broke turned on Edge during the time of the Alliance, he displayed that he could truly stand on his own. I would love to see him World Champion soon.
1. The Miz Miz is my favorite wrestler because he reminds me of myself. He loves the business inside and out. He grew up watching it from day one, and he is truly living his dream. If he would have been the champion as a face, it would have been a boring feel good story, and no one would have cared, but because he is arrogant, it is very entertaining.
Smith Hart Interview
Smith Hart is the eldest child of Stu and Helen Hart. He wrestled for his father’s promotion, Stampede Wrestling promotion and in Puerto Rico’s World Wrestling Council in the 1970s. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the eldest child of the Hart Family. Here is what he had to say.
1. How long did you wrestler?
I wrestled 18 years professionally.
2. Where was your favorite place to wrestle?
2. Where was your favorite place to wrestle?
Puerto Rico and Hawaii stand out. I’ve since made Puerto Rico my home. But no matter where I went to wrestle, near or far, I was fortunate enough explore my surroundings and learn intimacies of unique foreign cultures.
3. How long did your title reign last with Bret at World Wrestling Council?
3 months before we forfeited them and went back to Calgary.
4. Who was your favorite wrestler outside your family?
Several come to mind: Brian Pillman, Curt Hennig, The Funks, Waldo Von Erich, Luther Lindsay, Billy Robinson, George Gordienko, Abdullah the Butcher, Archie Gouldie, Dynamite Kid who was very much like family.
5. Who was your closest sibling growing up?
5. Who was your closest sibling growing up?
6. Bret stated in the dvd titled “Hart & Soul” that he didn’t think your mom did not want he and Owen to wrestle at WrestleMania X, how did you feel?
I don’t think my mother cared as long as they got paid fairly and were treated with respect. I thought it was one of the best wrestling contests I have ever seen.
7. Is there anything that stands out that you know you taught Bret and Owen when you watch them perform?
Their street smarts and perhaps some humor or drawing pointers.
8. What was your favorite Bret match?
Against Owen at Wrestlemania 10, but I must say I saw Bret in absolutely flawless tag matches against people like The Bulldogs, The Funks, and Curt Hennig, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Stomper, Roddy Piper, Undertaker, and single contests.
9. What was your favorite Owen match
9. What was your favorite Owen match
I think the One with him and Bret was the best, but any match Owen had was a great match. I never seen him have a bad match.
10. When was the dungeon was first created?
Almost immediately after my father bought the house, approximately 1951
11. When exactly did it become “infamous”
11. When exactly did it become “infamous”
I don’t know when it became infamous, but we were using international wrestlers immediately. Canada had much easier immigration laws, so it was easier for us to use Japanese, Mexican and European talents. We had a lot of Africans, Australians, New Zealanders and other Indo-eurasian visitors testing my dad’s wrestling and promotional skills in those sorely missed early years.
12. What was your finisher?
The Bulldog
13. Do you remember when Bret and Owen mastered the sharpshooter?
Bret approximately 1991 after Konan taught him the move. Owen the first time he ever attempted it.
14. Do you still watch WWE?
14. Do you still watch WWE?
Yes I do
15. Do you have a favorite wrestler today?
David Hart Smith
16. What you think of WWE removing the word “wrestling” from the title?
I seldom know much about their “logic”.
17. One of my favorite moments when I think of the Hart family was July 6, 1997 WWE In Your House: Canadian Stampede. Can you describe the energy in the building that night?
I’m sure the energy was as intense as it could be because of our home audience.
18. Were you in Montreal on the night of the infamous screw job?
19. Being around professional wrestling all your life, someone like myself would say that you were lucky, was there ever a time that you felt that you needed a break?
I consider myself lucky for never injuring myself or another opponent. But, no, I’ve never needed a break from the business, I think there are aspects of this business that are hard to love, but I am trying to use my influence to correct such aspects of the business I love.
20. What did you think when you learned that Natalya, Teddy, and D H were going into the business?
20. What did you think when you learned that Natalya, Teddy, and D H were going into the business?
I wish them all the best; they all have tremendous passion and with the bonus of incredible genetics and Hollywood good looks.
21. Are your children interested in becoming professional wrestlers? If so, how do you feel about that?
21. Are your children interested in becoming professional wrestlers? If so, how do you feel about that?
I don’t know that any of them are pursuing it. But if they did I would encourage them to exercise caution and build their expectations on a sound foundation.
22. What do you think of TNA?
I would like to be of help to TNA. I admire Dixie Carter (and family) for their passionate tenacity. I know I could be of help to TNA. TNA is as poorly managed as WCW was, and I cannot fathom the logic behind much of their booking haste. I think they do have a deep talent pool, with a lack of direction or proper management.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Extreme Rules Predictions
Michelle McCool vs Layla Loser Leaves Smackdown
Finally these two are broken apart. I have been a fan of Layla since she arrived. While it has been entertaining, there is no need for her McCool to stay together. I would love nothing more than to see Layla send Michelle McCool to Monday nights.
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes Falls Count Anywhere
This match really shocked me at WrestleMania. Prior to this match, I was never a fan of Cody Rhodes. However, he and Rey both displayed great athleticism and I love this new mean streak that Cody possess. This will be very interesting to see with falls count anywhere. Who knows maybe Cody will rip that mask off of Reys face.
Christian vs Alberto Del Rio Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
In my opinion, this should be a great match. I believe Del Rio choked at WrestleMania. He had the opportunity to have a great match with Edge and he did not deliver. It can be argued that WWE did not want Edge to get too physical due to the fact that may have been waiting for test results. None the less Del Rio moving to Raw makes me further believe that Christian will finally get his chance to become World Heavyweight Champion. This is his element, the ladder match; there is no better time for him become champion than now!
CM Punk vs Randy Orton Last Man Standing Match
In my opinion, this match stole the show at WrestleMania. Everyone knew that Undertaker and Triple H would deliver, but who could have predicted that these two would have been a candidate for match of the night. With the history of these two, what better match than a Last Man Standing Match. Personally, I have never been a fan of Punk, but I must admit he does will give you a great match night in and night out. He is one of the best heels in the company, and with that being said, I think everyone would love nothing more than to see Orton reign supreme in this bout. Unfortunately, I do not see Punk losing.
Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross vs Michael Cole and Jack Swagger Country Whipping Match
I have always been a fan of the team of Lawler and Ross, only when they are behind the microphone. I do not see the reason that the feud between Cole and Lawler lasting another month. It makes no sense. They have been going back and forth long enough and now it is getting old. In Lawler’s first WrestleMania match, there should have been no reason that he should have lost. But in the end, I see Lawler finally closing this chapter by giving Cole the country whipping that he has been due for months.
John Cena vs John Morrison vs The Miz © Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship
The Miz has become my favorite wrestler of this generation. The reason, he is just like me, he has been a fan of the sport his entire life, dealt with everyone calling it fake, yet he still continue to go after his dream. Of course I am not a professional wrestler but you get the point. I just knew that he was going lose at WrestleMania, and with the help of The Rock, he managed to retain the title, with a concussion might I add. I have been rooting for Morrison become champion by at least SummerSlam, however, with his recent acts of studpity, he looks like he will be a mid-carder for the rest of his career in the WWE. This should be a classic. I was excited when R-Truth was initially in this match. However, I was even more excited when he turned heel after losing his opportunity. I would not be surprised to see him make his way to the ring during this match. I am also looking forward to see what type of moves Morrison will do off a steel cage. As far as Cena goes, he will be just along for the ride. I do not see him doing anything spectacular. In the end, The Miz shall reign supreme why, because he’s the Miz and he’s AWWWEEESSSOMMEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally these two are broken apart. I have been a fan of Layla since she arrived. While it has been entertaining, there is no need for her McCool to stay together. I would love nothing more than to see Layla send Michelle McCool to Monday nights.
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes Falls Count Anywhere
This match really shocked me at WrestleMania. Prior to this match, I was never a fan of Cody Rhodes. However, he and Rey both displayed great athleticism and I love this new mean streak that Cody possess. This will be very interesting to see with falls count anywhere. Who knows maybe Cody will rip that mask off of Reys face.
Christian vs Alberto Del Rio Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
In my opinion, this should be a great match. I believe Del Rio choked at WrestleMania. He had the opportunity to have a great match with Edge and he did not deliver. It can be argued that WWE did not want Edge to get too physical due to the fact that may have been waiting for test results. None the less Del Rio moving to Raw makes me further believe that Christian will finally get his chance to become World Heavyweight Champion. This is his element, the ladder match; there is no better time for him become champion than now!
CM Punk vs Randy Orton Last Man Standing Match
In my opinion, this match stole the show at WrestleMania. Everyone knew that Undertaker and Triple H would deliver, but who could have predicted that these two would have been a candidate for match of the night. With the history of these two, what better match than a Last Man Standing Match. Personally, I have never been a fan of Punk, but I must admit he does will give you a great match night in and night out. He is one of the best heels in the company, and with that being said, I think everyone would love nothing more than to see Orton reign supreme in this bout. Unfortunately, I do not see Punk losing.
Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross vs Michael Cole and Jack Swagger Country Whipping Match
I have always been a fan of the team of Lawler and Ross, only when they are behind the microphone. I do not see the reason that the feud between Cole and Lawler lasting another month. It makes no sense. They have been going back and forth long enough and now it is getting old. In Lawler’s first WrestleMania match, there should have been no reason that he should have lost. But in the end, I see Lawler finally closing this chapter by giving Cole the country whipping that he has been due for months.
John Cena vs John Morrison vs The Miz © Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship
The Miz has become my favorite wrestler of this generation. The reason, he is just like me, he has been a fan of the sport his entire life, dealt with everyone calling it fake, yet he still continue to go after his dream. Of course I am not a professional wrestler but you get the point. I just knew that he was going lose at WrestleMania, and with the help of The Rock, he managed to retain the title, with a concussion might I add. I have been rooting for Morrison become champion by at least SummerSlam, however, with his recent acts of studpity, he looks like he will be a mid-carder for the rest of his career in the WWE. This should be a classic. I was excited when R-Truth was initially in this match. However, I was even more excited when he turned heel after losing his opportunity. I would not be surprised to see him make his way to the ring during this match. I am also looking forward to see what type of moves Morrison will do off a steel cage. As far as Cena goes, he will be just along for the ride. I do not see him doing anything spectacular. In the end, The Miz shall reign supreme why, because he’s the Miz and he’s AWWWEEESSSOMMEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011 WWE Draft Reaction
Even though the NFL Draft is coming up in a few days, due to the drama of the lockout, for the first time I found myself looking forward to the WWE draft more than ever. A lot of people felt that John Cena being drafted to Smackdown and then right back to Raw was a waste of time. I thought it was a great idea because they made you mad at the end of the show everyone was mad and if you wanted to change the channel the show was over. Overall I thought the draft as a whole was great. Without a doubt, Smackdown got the better draft and now it will be more believable when they win the Bragging Rights cup.
Raw reaction
Having John Cena return at the end of the night was huge boost for the show, who seemed be losing all of their star power. Half way through the show I started wondering about The Rock appearing on Raw this Monday Night, and the two having an upcoming match at WrestleMania 28, it would have been silly to have Cena appear on Raw immediately after he was drafted. Therefore Cena going back to Raw makes a lot of sense. Rey Mysterio seems to be drafted back and forth every draft. I personally am not a fan of Mysterio any longer. I feel that he has become very stale. And I honestly do not see him becoming a WWE Champion. Alberto Del Rio making the switch was very interesting, especially since he has a World Heavyweight Championship match this Sunday at Extreme Rules with Christian. I do not know who would give him a great match on Raw either, but that will be interesting to see. My personal favorite pick for Monday Night Raw is the man who was proclaimed by Vince McMahon as “the chosen one,” Drew McIntyre. McIntyre is one of my favorite wrestlers of this generation and I really feel that he is indeed the future of the WWE. I would love to see him and Cena in a match. I think it would be different and perhaps he could take Cena to the limit. One of McIntyre’s best opponents, Kofi Kingston also returning to Raw was a great move that I found interesting. The two had great matches on Smackdown and I feel that they can bring some of that energy to the flagship program. Last Beth Phoenix coming to Raw was a great move and perhaps the best set up for her and Awesome Kong. This match is too good to be on Smackdown in my opinion. This could perhaps be a main event. Well maybe not.
Smackdown reaction.
As I stated earlier, Smackdown truly got the better end of the deal. With their second pick, Randy Orton was drafted to Smackdown and this could not have come at a better time for him. Ever since losing his title to Miz, Orton in my opinion has become boring. CM Punk really brought out the best in the Viper as we know what he can truly be. Orton stopped speaking before WrestleMania, and silently took the Nexus apart. But after this feud, what else could Orton do? Nothing, so why not put him on Smackdown. With the expectant retirement of Edge, Smackdown needed a proven star. I also liked the move of another vetern, Mark Henry. Seeing his interview had me really thinking, could he really become a World Champion? Well now is the time to see. I think he and Christian could have a great match, or even him and Orton. I think Smackdown is built for guys like Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara. Two guys who are display great technical wrestling and high flying ability. I cannot wait to see what can happen with them. I would love to see Bryan as World champion one day. Bringing the USOs over will possibly help build the dying tag team division. But with Big Show and Kane as tag team champions, who really can defeat them? The USOs? really? Alicia Fox and Natalya both coming to Smackdown will bring two great female wrestlers on the show and not just eye candy. I have never been sold on Kelly Kelly as wrestler. I understand that she has gotten better, but she is not on either of these two divas level. Bringing Sheamus over to Smackdown may have been there best pick. I say that because they need a real strong heel since Del Rio is gone and who better to being over than Sheamus. Sheamus can really draw heat with the crowd and he can grab another World title run in on Smackdown. Ted DiBiase being drafted to Smackdown I think was a smart move. This will help his career out. I thought that maybe he would be one of the talent that would be released. When he came to the WWE, I thought he would be more successful than Cody Rhodes. However with Cody’s new look and attitude and after a stellar match at WrestleMania, his career seems to be going in a great direction. DiBiase better hope he can keep up with his former tag team partner. Last but not least, Alex Riley on Smackdown shall be very interesting. I have always wondered what he can do without holding The Miz’s briefcase in his hand, now the world will get to see on Friday Nights!
Follow me on twitter @BDuBmrMainEvent
Raw reaction
Having John Cena return at the end of the night was huge boost for the show, who seemed be losing all of their star power. Half way through the show I started wondering about The Rock appearing on Raw this Monday Night, and the two having an upcoming match at WrestleMania 28, it would have been silly to have Cena appear on Raw immediately after he was drafted. Therefore Cena going back to Raw makes a lot of sense. Rey Mysterio seems to be drafted back and forth every draft. I personally am not a fan of Mysterio any longer. I feel that he has become very stale. And I honestly do not see him becoming a WWE Champion. Alberto Del Rio making the switch was very interesting, especially since he has a World Heavyweight Championship match this Sunday at Extreme Rules with Christian. I do not know who would give him a great match on Raw either, but that will be interesting to see. My personal favorite pick for Monday Night Raw is the man who was proclaimed by Vince McMahon as “the chosen one,” Drew McIntyre. McIntyre is one of my favorite wrestlers of this generation and I really feel that he is indeed the future of the WWE. I would love to see him and Cena in a match. I think it would be different and perhaps he could take Cena to the limit. One of McIntyre’s best opponents, Kofi Kingston also returning to Raw was a great move that I found interesting. The two had great matches on Smackdown and I feel that they can bring some of that energy to the flagship program. Last Beth Phoenix coming to Raw was a great move and perhaps the best set up for her and Awesome Kong. This match is too good to be on Smackdown in my opinion. This could perhaps be a main event. Well maybe not.
Smackdown reaction.
As I stated earlier, Smackdown truly got the better end of the deal. With their second pick, Randy Orton was drafted to Smackdown and this could not have come at a better time for him. Ever since losing his title to Miz, Orton in my opinion has become boring. CM Punk really brought out the best in the Viper as we know what he can truly be. Orton stopped speaking before WrestleMania, and silently took the Nexus apart. But after this feud, what else could Orton do? Nothing, so why not put him on Smackdown. With the expectant retirement of Edge, Smackdown needed a proven star. I also liked the move of another vetern, Mark Henry. Seeing his interview had me really thinking, could he really become a World Champion? Well now is the time to see. I think he and Christian could have a great match, or even him and Orton. I think Smackdown is built for guys like Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara. Two guys who are display great technical wrestling and high flying ability. I cannot wait to see what can happen with them. I would love to see Bryan as World champion one day. Bringing the USOs over will possibly help build the dying tag team division. But with Big Show and Kane as tag team champions, who really can defeat them? The USOs? really? Alicia Fox and Natalya both coming to Smackdown will bring two great female wrestlers on the show and not just eye candy. I have never been sold on Kelly Kelly as wrestler. I understand that she has gotten better, but she is not on either of these two divas level. Bringing Sheamus over to Smackdown may have been there best pick. I say that because they need a real strong heel since Del Rio is gone and who better to being over than Sheamus. Sheamus can really draw heat with the crowd and he can grab another World title run in on Smackdown. Ted DiBiase being drafted to Smackdown I think was a smart move. This will help his career out. I thought that maybe he would be one of the talent that would be released. When he came to the WWE, I thought he would be more successful than Cody Rhodes. However with Cody’s new look and attitude and after a stellar match at WrestleMania, his career seems to be going in a great direction. DiBiase better hope he can keep up with his former tag team partner. Last but not least, Alex Riley on Smackdown shall be very interesting. I have always wondered what he can do without holding The Miz’s briefcase in his hand, now the world will get to see on Friday Nights!
Follow me on twitter @BDuBmrMainEvent
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