Thursday, May 5, 2011

Booker T as a Commentator

I listen to a lot of podcasts, and a lot of people are disappointed in Booker T being a color commentator. I do not think he is that bad. He is clearly no Jerry the King Lawler, Larry Zbyszko, or even Mr Perfect, but I think in due time he will be good enough. Personally I think he is better than Tazz was when he first started or even Mick Foley. But as time moved on, Tazz got better and I think Booker will also. He does seems to be inconsistent. At Extreme Rules he did praise Sheamus for pulling off a sneak attack on Kofi Kingston, but then turned around and criticized Cody Rhodes for doing the same exact thing. Once he has a few shows under his belt, I believe Booker T will be a solid Color Commentator.
Host of BDuBs Thoughts and Wrestle Talk with Bear and BDuB

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, in time he'll master the commentator position. I think now he's still getting adjusted, but once he gets used to having people in his ear; we'll start to see his personality shine through. I find it hard to believe that he's incapable of doing the job because of the fact that he was given the job. Former WWF announcer and backstage interviewer Sean Mooney was given a shot to show if he still had what it took to call a match back in 2009 and he was not given the job. So for WWE to put this much faith behind Booker shows me that they trust that he's able to call a match and do so acceptably. Let's go Booker!
